Find your unique photography style

The world of photography is a vast, beautiful and creative journey. Capturing special moments and artistic frames is a passion project for many photographers, beginners and professionals alike. Whether you've just picked up your first camera or you've been collecting snapshots for a while, a big part of photography is about discovering and developing your own unique photography style.
Finding your style is about more than just creating visually appealing images, it also means expressing your personality and perspective through your own lens.
Why having your own photography style is important
Your photography style is a reflection of your personal vision and artistic character. It tells your story through the way you compose your shots, your choice of subjects, lighting preferences, colour palettes and post-editing techniques. Developing your own photography style is important because it's what sets your work apart from others and helps people recognise your work.
How to develop your own photography style
Understand which photos resonate most with you
Pay attention to the photographs that catch your eye. What elements do you find special? Is it the dramatic lighting, vibrant colours or the motive itself? Is there a common theme? How does the photo make you feel? Dive deeper into your preferences and see whether there’s a key focus that you connect with. These are hints toward finding your unique style.
Create a mood board
Collect images that inspire you – your own or other artist’s photos – and create a mood board. You'll start to see patterns and recurring themes that resonate with you. Or might even come up with a new combination of different photography styles that you want to explore more.
Experiment with different techniques
Play around with different photography styles, try a different perspective or switch up the format to explore where your style can truly shine. Play around with editing software to enhance colours, adjust contrast and play around with various filters until you achieve the look that resonates with you. It’s also a good idea to come back later to a photo you are editing to see whether you still feel the same about your work.
Embrace imperfections
Break the rules! Don't be afraid to embrace imperfections in your work. Flaws can add character and authenticity to your photos, contributing to your unique style. Besides, everyone has a different opinion about what is an imperfection in a photo. It can be a way to develop a better understanding of your vision and what you are looking to achieve through your own perspective.
How long does it take to develop a unique photography style?
Developing a photography style is a process that takes time and patience. It's not something that happens overnight. Some photographers take months, while others might take years to truly find their distinctive style. And even already established professional photographers can refine their style over time. Find a good balance between experimenting and staying consistent in your image output. Most importantly: enjoy this creative journey!
What if I have more than one photography style?
Photography is an artistic expression – there are no set rules as to how many styles you can have. While having a significant style makes your work recognisable, you can definitely experiment with more styles. If you are unsure if there is a common connection between your styles, maybe you simply need more time to experiment with your own style. It also helps to deepen your perspective and storytelling approach. Or you might have different styles depending on the subject. As you continue to learn, experiment and grow, your style will naturally evolve, making your photography an authentic reflection of who you are. Happy shooting!
Learn directly from professional photographers
Finding your unique photography style is all about self-expression. Remember, there's no right or wrong way to develop your style – it's all about staying true to your creative instincts. But it can help to get hands-on support from photographers who have already been through the same journey as you.
Hear the personal stories of industry professionals, ask them about feedback and learn the fundamentals of photography with an online photography short course. They can help define your style and show you how to create a photography portfolio to showcase your amazing work.